Now that summer is winding down, it’s time to think about skin rejuvenation treatments, especially if you accidentally got some “color” over the summer. Everyone knows that sun-tanning is a cardinal offense against your skin, increasing your risk of skin cancer and aging your skin before its time. You know the signs of sun damage well—age spots, freckles, sun spots, redness, rough patches, and more. While you can’t go back in time to prevent the damage, you do have the power to reverse sun damage with a BBL™ photofacial!
The BBL photofacial is an amazing invention that can help to restore your complexion to its former glory using the healing power of light. The photofacial is the ideal treatment for reversing common pigmentation irregularities, including redness and pesky brown spots. You’ll notice a dramatic improvement in the evenness of your skin tone, but the photofacial works deeper by stimulating new collagen and elastin growth to tighten pores and smooth skin so that it looks luminous and younger.
If reversing sun damage isn’t enough, the BBL photofacial can also help your skin look years younger. A retrospective study at Stanford University discovered that long-term BBL users had skin that looked ten years younger than its actual age. What’s more, BBL users had skin cells that behaved like younger skin cells, indicating that BBL photofacials rejuvenate skin on a cellular level. Pretty amazing, right?
To learn more about BBL photofacials or schedule your treatment, call 703.870.3844 or complete our online consultation request form today.