Guess what? It’s time to schedule your series of laser hair removal treatments! But wait! You could also be fitting in CoolSculpting® non-invasive fat reduction, vein reduction with sclerotherapy, laser skin rejuvenation with Halo™ and BBL™… Feeling overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to schedule all these treatments now. We’re just throwing out ideas because the winter months are an ideal time for all these treatments, and so many more.
Why do we love the winter so much? Because it takes time to get your best results! For example, if you are trimming away fat bulges with CoolSculpting, it can take up to three months to see results. And because optimal results are often achieved with more than one treatment, you may need to undergo a few treatments to reach your goal. Laser hair removal is on exactly the same schedule. To get your best results in time for summer, you need to start a series of laser hair removal treatments several months in advance. Of course, everyone responds differently to treatment. Some people see the results they want after only one treatment. But since we can’t promise or predict results, we always recommend advance planning.
Here are a few more tips for wintertime aesthetic treatments:
Don’t ever skimp on sunscreen.
Sunscreen is vital year-round. However, it is even more important around the time you are undergoing any laser treatment like laser hair removal, Halo or BBL. Lasers and the sun do not mix. Any exposure to the sun, both before and after your treatment, increases your risk of side effects and also interferes with the effectiveness of your treatments. And it’s not just lasers. Any treatment that resurfaces your skin, including microneedling with PRP, requires careful sun protection to ensure your skin heals properly without hypopigmentation or other irregularities.
Don’t skimp on yourself.
It’s easy to procrastinate with self-care — and make no mistake, aesthetic treatments definitely fall under the “self-care” category! — because you’re probably the only person who will notice! But neglecting to treat yourself to treatments you enjoy takes its toll on your health in so many ways, raising your stress level, robbing you of energy, even spoiling your mood. If you’ve been thinking about a certain treatment, it’s a great time to schedule a consultation with us!
You deserve it! Learn more about treatments for bringing out your personal best this winter by calling 703.870.3844 or requesting your personal consultation online today.