Ultherapy Uses Ultrasound.
Ultherapy is the only cosmetic procedure to use ultrasound imaging. This allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment, to ensure that the energy is delivered precisely to where it will be most effective.
Using this tried-and-true technology, we specifically target the deep foundation below the skin – the one typically addressed in cosmetic surgery – without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. That means after a 30- to 120-minute non-invasive treatment, you’ll be able to return to your everyday life without interruptions…and, without hiding behind those “post-treatment” glasses or scarves.
Ultherapy Creates Collagen Naturally.
Ultherapy is unique because it “banks” your collagen by jumpstarting a repair process. It relies on the body’s own regenerative process to stimulate the natural renewal of existing collagen and creation of new collagen – yes, new collagen. This results in an actual lift of skin over time. It’s as if your skin fits better!
Many people notice an immediate effect following the treatment, but the ultimate lifting and toning takes place over 2 to 3 months, as tired collagen is renewed and replaced with new, stronger collagen. And, as this collagen-building process continues, further improvements can even appear up to 6 months following a procedure!
Want to learn more about Ultherapy in Leesburg, VA? Call 703.737.0197 or email info@https://aviemedspa.com to learn more. Consultations are free!