If you’ve been thinking about getting CoolSculpting® but haven’t gotten around to scheduling a consultation with us, NOW is the time to do it! For our Black Friday sale, you can SAVE $1,000 on our CoolSculpting Skinny Jeans Package (minimum of 4 cycles) and receive a FREE ProLon® FMD Kit ($249 value)!
Saving money while achieving your best body sounds like a pretty amazing combination, don’t you think? While CoolSculpting helps trim away stubborn fat, ProLon FMD (which stands for fasting mimicking diet) helps you lose weight, especially in the mid-section, so you’re tackling your body contouring goals in two important ways. ProLon is an effective tool for losing weight, but it’s also been shown to be particularly effective at tackling belly fat. So if your belly is your “problem spot,” we highly recommend this special!
On Black Friday, you’ll save $3,800 on a package of six EMSCULPT treatments for the abdomen or buttocks. EMSCULPT helps you tone and firm up your abs, buttocks or thighs, stimulating targeted muscles with non-invasive high intensity electromagnetic (HIFEM®) energy. If you feel like you’ve plateaued at the gym or you can’t get the results you want with regular exercise, it’s time to explore EMSCULPT! This amazing technology is the extra help you’ve always dreamed of having at the gym. Instead of a personal trainer, though, you’re getting powerful technology that works your muscles out, triggering thousands of contractions during each 30-minute session. Think about how many times you can flex your muscles during a typical visit to the gym. Compare that to EMSCULPT and there is NO COMPARISON! EMSCULPT will truly change the way you think about fitness, and it will save you precious time while you’re at it.
Keep in mind that we’ve been administering non-invasive body contouring treatments for several years now, so we are experts and know how to get the results you want. Your first step is coming in for a consultation, where we can analyze your body type and goals and help you devise a body contouring regimen that’s right for you. We want you to be happy and comfortable in every sense, so we will work with you every step of the way to administer treatments that fit both your budget and aesthetic goals.
To learn more about non-invasive body contouring with CoolSculpting or EMSCULPT, please call 703.870.3844, go online or request a consultation today.